The presentation of the gifts at Mass is a very important role as it marks the beginning of the second major part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
At the presentation of the gifts, the faithful present the gifts of bread and wine to the priest, symbolizing an offering of creation and themselves back to the Father. This also gives an exterior sign of our internal offerings – we offer our prayers and ourselves in the same way that we offer these mere gifts of bread and wine, hoping that just as they are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ, so may we be transformed by His grace.
We are asking families to take turns presenting the gifts by signing up for a Mass that they attend. Sign up sheets are available in the back of church. Please mark your name for the Mass you would like to present the gifts. If you have booked a Mass for a loved one, please make sure to sign up for that Mass.
When attending Mass for the date you are signed up, please let the ushers know that you are here and where you will be sitting so that they can instruct you on when to gather for the presentation.Please call the office if you have any questions.