We try to get in touch with the Kingdom of Heaven in our lives as something more than a concept or a mere idea. We try to become aware of the presence of God as something that penetrates our inmost being. We want the kingdom of God to touch us inwardly.
For true believers, it is not enough to know about God. It is not enough to know God intellectually. The "head-trip" is not enough. The God who saves us, the God who liberates us from the bondage of aimlessness and absurdity, is the God who is present to us at the deepest level of our being.
Where is the kingdom? Why can't we see it yet? So many people among us, and all around us, seem to find little cause for rejoicing in the lives they are living. What they we need to discover, and rediscover is that the quest for happiness, apart from God inevitably leads to boredom…frustration…and depression. Sometimes even to the disintegration of marriages and families.
What we need to continuously discover, and rediscover is that money, after all, isn't really what life is all about; that fame or power isn't really what life is all about.
What they need to discover, and rediscover is that the "eat, drink and be merry" attitude is not really what life is all about.
Jesus wants us to discover and rediscover that God is what life is all about; that accepting God's love and entering into a lifelong love affair with God is really what life is all about.
By accepting God's love for us in this way, we become whole persons. We get it all together. We become the uniquely beautiful persons God created us to be. And out of this getting-it -all togetherness, comes the strength to love others in a life-enhancing way - not manipulating them, not trying to dominate and control them, not trying to take life from them, not trying to use them.
We can do this with our lives, but only if they are founded on the solid rock of a loving relationship with God. In doing this, we are able to experience deep within ourselves, that truly, the Kingdom of God is close at hand.
God has taken the initiative. God gives himself to us and when we begin to rejoice in the discovery of what God's presence feels like deep within us, we simultaneously begin to discover how to rejoice in our relationships with others.
God bless! Have a wonderful week! Happy Fathers’ Day!
By the way – did you know that you can continue to be a good steward even when your earthly life has ended? Please consider remembering St. Theodore’s Parish in your will. It will help us keep our ministries vital and to serve more people. Many thanks!