Creation Care Ministry at St Theodore’s
To inspire and mobilize St Theodore’s Catholic Community to care for our common home by honoring, living out, and sharing the belief that we encounter Christ in all of creation and by taking action on the goals of Laudato Si.*
We are committed to the idea that we must experience a care-for-creation change of heart, and commit to personal change, learning about, and living out, the principle that all of the goals and principles of Laudato si are connected. We come together to accomplish our mission by engaging and collaborating with each other and all those in St Theodore’s community who are willing. While almost no one (and no parish, ministry) can do everything, everyone (and every parish and ministry) can do something.
In working within and outside the parish, we prioritize relationships and being mindful of the following in our work together and with others:
· Care for one another
o Make space/time for everyone to speak
o Listen to, hear, and respect others
o Humility to receive, be open to, and respect different opinions
o Speak in ways that foster connection
· Ground the work in a process of dialogue guided by the Holy Spirit
· Courage
· Hope
· Inclusiveness
· Partnership
*Laudato Si Goals
· Respond to the Cry of the Earth
· Respond to the Cry of the Poor
· Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles
· Spirituality of Ecology
· Ecological Education
· Ecological Economics
· Community Empowerment and Resilience